Estate Life are unique in the market place as we not only offer the consultancy expertise, but I personally have first hand knowledge of a strong client base sourcing such properties, know the market conditions and what the clients are looking for from private properties. We are now handling weekly enquiries for private properties which we take right to the point of confirmation.
As an added advantage to being an Estate Life Network partner, properties also now benefit with our agreement since April 2013, where we are now handling all the Scottish property enquiries for Rural Estates, based in England. They have an extensive web site promoting both their own properties they have sourced and all of our Estate Life properties. Every enquiry is directed to myself to handle and find the most suitable property for the client. If the selected property is not available then it is our role to secure alternatives for the end client.
Due to an increasing demand for more pro-active marketing of the properties to my extensive database, we have devised a 6 month Marketing Package which if you an in the habit of spending money on advertising is a lower cost than a one off advert in a magazine or newspaper.
The property then has an opportunity of extensive pro-active marketing to both National and International clients based in the following sectors:
For a nominal one off fee this is an ideal solution for private properties wishing to test the water with marketing their property.
Tullibole Castle in Kinross-shire have done just that and signed up for a 6 month marketing campaign and within a matter of days have a meeting set up with an agent for a key event in 2014 due to our excellent client relations with said agent and being able to facilitate the meeting. A meeting they have been trying to arrange for months.
Visit the Susan Reid Collection
Please get in touch.
Susan Reid
Owner & Founder – the luxury specialist
For your perfect stay in Scotland call Susan Reid Today on +44 131 556 4020
As a part of the Susan Reid Collection over the years I have had the privilege to work directly with the Owners of some of Scotland’s beautiful privately owned Castles.
Each property caters for a variety of events and accommodation needs from the difference of a privately owned property to the seclusion and privacy of your own exclusive use property.
The Susan Reid Collection are independent privately owned businesses and in working with Susan Reid she can personally design a bespoke package or tour combining several of the properties.