The Power of Video & Film

The Power of Video & Film

Candacraig, a stunning exclusive use property in Aberdeenshire and part of the Susan Reid Collection have just launched their new marketing video which is excellent.  Giving the consumer a taste of the area and the wonderful facilities Candacraig has to offer on their arrival.

On researching it states that online video users are expected to double to 1.5 billion by 2016 and 76% of marketers are now planning to use video as part of their online marketing strategy.

Video is becoming one of the most important marketing tools for tourism and properties.  It builds credibility, conveys information better and much faster than text and most importantly in this growing world of social media it’s infinitely shareable.  As a result it hopefully drives traffic to your web site which therefore ultimately increases new opportunities and converted bookings.

If a picture paints a 1,000 words then this is definitely the way forward and sincerely hope our clients like the new stunning video of Candacraig.

To view click here Candacraig Video